Friday, January 8, 2016

Car Damage - at mechanic or being towed

Hey just a quick tip, always use your smart phone to take front back and side photos of your car when it is left off at the mechanics or is going to be towed. This will help record the existing condition of your car when it is in the care,custody and control of those services. You may even take a picture of the inside too. Date and time the photos. Just because a shop or valet posts "not responsible for damage" sign means nothing legally.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Home Insurance - update your roof - lower your premium

Your home insurance in Florida uses windstorm mitigation credits to lower your home insurance premium, review your last windstorm mitigation inspection. Section 4 roof to wall connections may indicate "toe nails", you can lower your premium if the photos indicate a nail is missing and only 2 or 3 nails needed in a certain nailing pattern. Single wrap or double wrap credits are significant and in many circumstances you can add that valuable third nail. Consult with your agent and see what is needed and how much you could save.  check out a site like